On 10 Dez., 16:44, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:
> On 12/10/10 3:59 AM, thorsten wrote:
> >  My extension will also have to look for text entries with
> > javescript keypress event listeners.....
> And keydown.  And keyup.  And the listeners could be anywhere on the
> parent chain.  Or there could be no listeners; just a repeating 10ms
> timer running that polls the value in the textfield...
> > And the 100% detection thing: Better protect 80 million people than no one.
> Depends on the cost of the protection, no?  (Parallels to current TSA
> methods abound.)

You are right here. I will have to keep the costs down.

The main costs I can see is at the moment:
* Annoying the user (FPs, PopUps, forcing him to decide)
* Maybe privacy issues if I go cloud
* Maintainance (if there are to many FPs that must be fixed using the

I will have to find out how large they are and if they are acceptable.
My goal is to reduce the User
annoyance down to 1 Warning per year for an average user where he has
to decide what to do.

Do you see any other costs ?


> -Boris

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