On 9 Dez., 21:20, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:
> On 12/9/10 7:54 AM, thorsten wrote:
> >>> What is a bit risky is: Can they hide the password entry or the form
> >>> itself ?
> >> Yes.
> > Heck...this is the only thing where I have no plan B. Can you please
> > tell me how you would hide a password entry from a tool scanning the
> > DOM ?
> Oh, from a tool scanning the DOM you can't.  But you can make it appear
> in the DOM but be invisible to the user, which is what I thought you
> were asking about.
> I see now that you want to ask if there's a password entry field on the
> page... but the page can just not use such an entry field at all and use
> a regular textfiled instead, no?

The whole plan depends on the user noticing that his passwords gets
With Adrienne's idea it would be possible to sneak a normal text entry
through and
camouflage it as password entry dialog. My extension will also have to
look for text entries with
javescript keypress event listeners.....
The project gets more complex every day. I am looking forward to
tackle that :-)

But taking this step will need some Cloud stuff with FP whitelisting I
To many pages will use this tech.

> > At the moment I am looking for a password entry in the DOM tree (with
> > attributes matching the HTTP request). This way I detect "Password
> > sent". HTTP content is not relevant. Maybe you got a better idea how
> > to detect that a password is about to be sent.
> Given FormData and XHR, isn't this basically the halting problem?

You are right.

The whole AntiVirus and attack detection thing is in a decission
problem space.
Some companies try to sell "Whitelisting" as the solution after AV.
only clean programs and allowing only them to run. This is a classical
halting problem.
Classifying a program as "definitely doing nothing malicious never
ever and in no combination
with some other program" is just not possible.

Classical AV suffers from not having 100% detection and then some
FPs.By using online lookups to fix FPs they can be
reduced to almost zero. And the 100% detection thing: Better protect
80 million people than no one.
Make it hard for the bad guys and reduce their ROI. Buy time for other
technology to be released,
for patches to be written. That's the goal.

My experience with any kind of blacklist (signatures or URL
blacklists): They do not react very well and have
their limitations. They are good as additional technology because they
are quite easy to maintain.
Writing code that detects typcial attacks and blocks this attack
technology is far more promising
and will force the bad guys to change tactics all the time.
A workmate was even able to contribute a lot to getting rid of the
whole dialer pest in Germany by detecting dialer technology
till there was nothing left for the bad guys to do.

Thorsten Sick
Before I forget: Next week I will be away from any computer in in the
Negev for a few days. Please be patient.
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