On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 11:16 PM, Adam Barth <abarth-mozi...@adambarth.com>wrote:

> There's been a bunch of research on the Android permission model in
> academia, including a bunch of suggestions for how to do better.  If
> you'd like, I'd be happy to connect you with the folks who've studied
> this topic (off-list).

I'd be interested to hear about these studies, are then any papers
available freely on the Internet?

> One thing that has worked well for packaged apps in Chrome is to use a
> public key in the URL to identify local content.  For example:
> b2g-or-whatever://ankgjoopnopeoeljehjkighfcfefalcg/path/inside/package.html
> where ankgjoopnopeoeljehjkighfcfefalcg is a public key and
> "/path/inside/package.html" is a path inside a zip archive self-signed
> with ankgjoopnopeoeljehjkighfcfefalcg.
> This model is decentralized and provides a solid, secure foundation.
> It also plays well with the usual same-origin model for web security.
> I'm happy to answer any questions you have about Chrome's experience
> with this approach.

I don't have an opinion on this particular feature, but in general I would
really like to advocate that we don't diverge too much from what Chrome
Hosted Apps do unless there is a really good reason to do so, we'll be
looking to standardise parts of this after all.


Ben Francis
dev-security mailing list

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