Thanks for the pointer, Fabrice.

I've been studying Chrome extension & Android app permissions; some of
those results are relevant to this discussion.  Links to the full papers
are below.  Here are some of the main lessons and recommendations from
those studies:

--  Permissions significantly limit the severity of Chrome extension
vulnerabilities.  I therefore think that manifest-based permissions would
be a *very* valuable addition to a new web app platform.  If a web app is
owned (e.g., an XSS bug), at least the permissions would limit the attack
to a subset of the API.  This doesn't necessarily mean that permissions
have to be shown to the user the first time s/he visits a web app: the
upfront permissions could act as a maximum bound on the number of runtime
permissions that the web app can get.

-- Installation is the wrong time to ask about most permissions.  People
don't have enough information to decide, and we find that many people
assume they will be asked again at runtime before the actions actually

--  A permission system does not need to prompt every user about
everything.  For example, there is relatively little risk attached to
letting an app turn your Bluetooth on or off.  People have finite attention
spans, and every additional warning devalues the permission system.  People
should only be asked about things that have very clear, definite risks.
 The system should support a separate "paranoid mode" where people can
voluntarily enable more warnings.

-- Developers tend to think in terms of actions and resources, but people
have a hard time connecting actions and resources to risks.  Any warnings
should be framed in terms of concrete risks.  For example, "read phone
state and identity" talks about resources but "track you across
applications" refers to the risk of letting an application know your IMEI.

-- Whenever possible, permissions should be built in to the user's natural
system flow to avoid the need for permission dialogs.  For example, there
are three possible ways for a web app to send a text message: (1) it asks
for permission via a dialog and then directly sends a text message, (2) it
uses WebIntents to point the user to a trusted platform text messaging
system, or (3) the platform provides a trusted "send SMS" that a web app
can embed somewhere in its UI.  Options #2 and #3 are highly preferable to
option #1 because it doesn't interrupt the user to ask for permission;
instead, we just implicitly know that the user wants to send an SMS
message.  As many things should be built using #2 and #3 as possible.  Some
apps may need to use approach #1; however, support for that should be added
later (when it is requested by enough developers) to avoid everyone using
that "shortcut."  (Android provides options #1 and #2, and a lot of
developers unnecessarily use #1.)

-- Auditing.  Once a user has granted a permission, users should be able to
see when they are actually used.

-- If a user is shown an Always/Once/No permission dialog, there should be
some context for the "Always" option so the user knows what that will
entail.  Is this app going to send 1 text message, or 30,000?  Matt
Finfiter & Dev Akhawe suggested something interesting: collect statistics
on how permissions are used in aggregate (e.g., how often) and present the
statistics as an optionally-visible part of the dialog.



*An Evaluation of the Google Chrome Extension Security Architecture*
Found vulnerabilities in Chrome extensions; Section 6 discusses the impact
of permissions on the scope of the vulnerabilities.

*Android Permissions: User Attention, Comprehension, and Behavior*
Did two user studies to see whether people pay attention to, understand, or
act on permissions.  Most interesting results relate to comprehension.
 Section 7 summarizes the results and provides a set of concrete
recommendations for improving permissions.

*Android Permissions Demystified*
Looked at how well developers use Android permissions and the types of
mistakes they make.  Section 6 presents the results (the rest of the paper
talks about the tool).

Also, Franzi Roesner has a paper talking about how to embed permission
widgets into UIs to avoid the need for permission dialogs:
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