On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Patrick Walton <pcwal...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Yeah, I shouldn't have mentioned safety there, since the fundamental
> problem is the same whether or not you use CC or GC. You still have to
> teach the JS engine or the CC about the object graph.
> We use compiler support for this in Rust, thankfully, eliminating the
> safety and annoyance-of-writing-trace-hooks problems (via abuse of the
> serialization module--this should eventually migrate to something better).
> I guess depending on whether you include leaks as part of safety, you have
> to be careful to make sure your ForgetSkippable optimizations to throw
> things out of the purple buffer are correct. I understand that they're
> necessary, but the purist in me really dislikes wiring application-specific
> logic into the garbage collector :)

The pragmatist in me loves it :-).

There's probably a principled way to implement ForgetSkippable in a way
that's automatically checkable.

Having said all that, I'm not necessarily advocating GC+CC for Servo. It is
a hard and complex approach. I'm still a little bit sad that we can't teach
Rust to support GC types with a pluggable collector and integrate
Spidermonkey's (having taught Spidermonkey's to handle non-JS objects).

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otohoeo ofoioroeo ooofo ohoeololo.
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