On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:02 PM, James Long <longs...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Personally I think what we *really* need to be working on is making
    all of the DOM APIs asynchronous. That's what Servo needs anyway.
    That's a step in the right direction for #3, and we can see much more
    we can get out of the main thread after that.

I don't see how making DOM APIs asynchronous really helps you achieve #3.
There are some specific cases where custom layouts need to repeatedly
measure content, that currently rely on APIs that trigger multiple
sequential synchronous reflows, which would be better served by less
synchronous APIs. We have nebulous plans for addressing that (it's not as
easy as "make everything a Promise"). But those aren't the main problems
mobile Web apps face right now AFAIK.

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 4:11 PM, James Long <longs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Note however that people in the native app world believe that it's
> very important that whatever applies the animations is run on the same
> thread that handles input. Otherwise it's very easy for animations to
> get out-of-sync. If you swipe a scroll view on iOS, and it has that
> momentum scroll, and you place your finger down it immediately stops
> where it is. I've talked to several engineers that try to do this kind
> of stuff with CSS animations but because they are async, it's not
> nearly as reliable as native. Native platforms fire the touch event,
> and you apply the animation update immediately in the same thread.

Thanks, we'll take that into account.

> Anyway, just trying to give feedback from a user. This is really
> important to me!


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osoaoyoso,o o‘oYooouo ofooooolo!o’o owoiololo oboeo oiono odoaonogoeoro
otohoeo ofoioroeo ooofo ohoeololo.
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