Frank Hecker wrote:
> Someone brought to my attention today that Go Daddy is now offering a 
> "6-in-1" SSL certificate where they allow you to associate multiple 
> domain names from different TLDs with a single certificate:
> (For example, you might have an SSL certificate specifying the domain 
> names as "", "", "", and so on, up to six total.)
> Based on my reading of RFC 2818 (in particular section 3.1) and what I 
> think is the relevant source code (in the NSS function 
> cert_VerifySubjectAltName) it appears that such certificates should work 
> fine in Firefox and other Mozilla-based products, assuming that the 
> names are stored in the certificate using SubjectAltName as opposed to 
> CN. Am I correct in this supposition?

Yes.  It should.
I'd like to see an actual example of their 6-in-1 or "wildcard" certs
in use on the internet.

Nelson B
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