Michael Ströder wrote:
Anders Rundgren wrote:
Ian G wrote:

=> Encrypting/signing must be made a business requirement in contracts.
That's the whole point. And there's no technical solution for it.

That's as close to a perfect dilemma as I've come across!  It's not a
business requirement, so we must make it a business requirement ...

Another alternative is to

Anders, still you fail to see the real problems since you propose technical solutions for non-technical issues.

But let's see:

1. abandon non-scalable trust infrastructures such as the one required by S/MIME

Why "non-scalable"? Can you be more verbose?

I don't know what Anders thinks, but I see these reasons as to why S/MIME is non-scaleable:

* it has no open + effective key distribution mechanism. (I exclude the LDAP stuff as that is generally for internal / corporates, and is not a general solution for the users.) E.g., after changing laptops recently, I still cannot s/mime to half my counterparties because I don't have their certs. This happens regularly with everyone I know... * it needs a few tweaks in UI to align it with the safe usage models, so, for example the "signing" icon has to go because it cannot be used for signing, because signing is needed for key distribution. It also cannot be used for signing unless reference is made to the conditions of signing, and no UI vendor has ever wanted to give time&space to a CPS. C.f., that recent thread with Nelson, where he reads everything before signing. * it needs a click-to-launch method of key-creation, sort of like that which Anders was demoing with Firefox. Or preferably, it should be launched by default. "There is only one mode, and it is secure." But that will likely clash with the next point. * the security architecture is referred to some IETF committee. This means it is incapable of modifying its security model to deal with evolving threats. Anything with its security leadership split across too many components eventually falls into stasis.

That's off the top of my head.  There are others on my blog, likely.

2.  abandon schmes that use explicit encryption keys like S/MIME

Are you aware of the requirements for separate encryption keys? Some companies have the legal requirements for key escrow in litigation cases. That's the main reason why encryption and signature keys are separated.

What happens when we add complexity to an already broken system?

3.  introduce secure mobile secure key-storage

Ah, yeah. Did you ever think of a growing key history and such?

Is that the counterparty certs, which would then also disappear every time someone changed cellphone? Yeah, I agree. It needs a better key distro mechanism, like the key servers of OpenPGP.

4.  put the latter in cell phones

Even cell phones can break. And I don't consider them to be trustworthy key stores
1. with all the control the cell phone provider has over them,
2. all the gadgets installed with security issues,
3. with the limited data storage size on today's SIM cards.

Sounds about as robust as any Internet software on any modern PC that bombs out once a year or so :)

And the main point: You fail to explain how trust is to be established.

Well, there is the old trick I described: do a DH key exchange and then use the voice to authenticate the checksum over the results.

(Mind you, let's not get too hung up on this, as "trust" is not defined yet!)

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