Michael Ströder wrote:
>Ian G wrote:
>>   * it has no open + effective key distribution mechanism.  (I exclude
>> the LDAP stuff as that is generally for internal / corporates, and is
>> not a general solution for the users.)

>Just exchanging signed S/MIME e-mails is quite easy for most users. The
>case that e-mail receivers are completely unknown is fairly seldom. This
>is a non-issue.

The e-mail receivers are seldom unknown but their CAs are.  Using
Windows Mail most PKIX signed messages give me a black screen
telling there is something wrong with this message, while messages
asking me to download EXE files pass without warnings.

>> E.g., after changing laptops recently, I still cannot s/mime to half
>> my counterparties because I don't have their certs.  This happens
>> regularly with everyone I know...


>I've changed my notebook harddisk quite often. I never lost my Seamonkey
>cert DB containing the key history of the last 10 years since it's part
>of the Mozilla profile which I have backups of. When people in companies
>get new PCs there's backup concept to migrate their old data. If not the
>user has more problems than just the e-mail certs of others.
>If you create a new profile in your MUA then you have to import the
>certs therein. But does that happen very often?

Each time you want to use another computer.
Why do you think I claim that mobile crypto is a prerequisite?

>This is a non-issue.

For hackers, yes.  For corporations with IT-support, yes.  For consumers
OTOH it is a showstopper.

>>   * it needs a few tweaks in UI to align it with the safe usage models,
>> so, for example the "signing" icon has to go because it cannot be used
>> for signing, because signing is needed for key distribution.  It also
>> cannot be used for signing unless reference is made to the conditions of
>> signing, and no UI vendor has ever wanted to give time&space to a CPS.

>Maybe it's me but frankly I don't understand what you say here.
>Especially I don't see the need for a "UI vendor" to define a CPS (if
>Certificate Practice Statement is meant here).

I believe Ian is referring to the problem which made me starting this thread...
That is, the need for end-users to become trust managers.


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