On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 02:39:56PM +0200, Eddy Nigg wrote:
> On 03/17/2009 01:55 PM, Ian G:
>> [4] There is some discussion about session caching, and it may be true  
>> that there are server problems to be sorted out.  But as far as I can  
>> see, most of the sites that I deal with have this issue, so it may  
>> bounce back to being a client-side issue regardless of what we say.
> That's because Apache's default cache timeout is set to 30 seconds or  
> so. And might be buggy in addition to that.

The default mod_ssl configuration uses a 300 second timeout, not 30. 
There's a plea being made here that mod_ssl should cache sessions by 
default for what, hours?  Days?

It seems like a poor trade-off to require a larger memory footprint of 
all the SSL servers in the world, rather than improve Firefox to be a 
bit smarter about caching/allowing-to-be-cached the association between 
a client cert and a given URL prefix or whatever.

Regards, Joe
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