On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 10:26:35AM -0700, Robert Relyea wrote:
> Cert selection for Firefox does need to be improved. On the other hand,  
> I found the larger memory footprint argument someone confusing. At the  
> cost of about 20 bytes per client you would rather chew up CPU and  
> network resources? That seems like a poor tradeoff to me.

The numbers I remember are ~250 bytes per session without a cert, and 
~1-2K if a client cert is used, which is the case in question.

But the point about trading off against CPU/network resources is a good 
one.  RFC 5246 mentions an "upper limit" of 24 hours for session ID 
lifetime, which implies a maximum rather than a default.  I'll see about 
getting the mod_ssl default bumped to 12 hours and see how that works 
out.  Does that seem reasonable?

regards, Joe
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