I can't help you with the specific problem [:-(] but I can "help" you
with a diagnostic at least.  Which is?  Smart card vendors have
spent decades on fighting each other on the spec/middleware
side and naturally we all have to pay the price.

Tokens for consumers have therefore been [rightfully] rejected on
the pragmatic US market.

Is there a workaround?  Yes, instead of chasing middleware issues
another 10 years or so, I think that "the authentication people" including
Mozilla should define a token with a standard interface that is included
in the platform itself regardless if that is Firefox or Windows.

The opposite to that is the OpenSC project where every card
profile, vendor, and local country variation is treated as "feature",
while it from a usability point-of-view is really more like a bug".


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Udo Puetz" <inexg...@googlemail.com>
Newsgroups: mozilla.dev.tech.crypto
To: <dev-tech-crypto@lists.mozilla.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 11:58
Subject: Problem reading certificate from hardware token

Hi all,
I've googled to and fro and have only found another poster having
roughly the same problem as I. The situation is this:
I want to authenticate against a juniper SA 2500 firewall with a user
and password AND a certificate. I have a safenet iKey 1032 token where
I imported the p12 certificate. In firefox (tried 2.0.x, 3.0.x and
3.5.x) I imported the safenet K1PK112.DLL PKCS#11 module. In the
firefox cryptography module manager I now see the token and can (after
entering the pin) see the certificate. So firefox _can_ read the
certificate off of the token.
But when I go to the juniper firewall website I get the error message
that the certificate can't be found.
When I (for testing) take out the token and import the p12 certificate
directly into the firefox certificate store I can authenticate against
the juniper firewall website with user and pass and the certificate.
So the problem seems to be that in the cyrpto module manager firefox
can read a certificate off of a token and can't read it off when
queried by a website.
Where would you think is the problem? Is it within firefox or a
problem with the third-party pkcs#11 module? (I'm also in contact with
the safenet folks)
Thanks a lot,
Udo Puetz
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