USB does actually have a PKCS#10 device reader profile.  If you were
to extend that by adding a generic "oh, it also has a device in a slot
that performs these functions" layer that was exposed through the
device-reader profile, it would be universal -- and universally
implemented in the platform itself.

-Kyle H

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 3:16 AM, Anders
Rundgren<> wrote:
> I can't help you with the specific problem [:-(] but I can "help" you
> with a diagnostic at least.  Which is?  Smart card vendors have
> spent decades on fighting each other on the spec/middleware
> side and naturally we all have to pay the price.
> Tokens for consumers have therefore been [rightfully] rejected on
> the pragmatic US market.
> Is there a workaround?  Yes, instead of chasing middleware issues
> another 10 years or so, I think that "the authentication people" including
> Mozilla should define a token with a standard interface that is included
> in the platform itself regardless if that is Firefox or Windows.
> The opposite to that is the OpenSC project where every card
> profile, vendor, and local country variation is treated as "feature",
> while it from a usability point-of-view is really more like a bug".
> Anders
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Udo Puetz" <>
> Newsgroups:
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 11:58
> Subject: Problem reading certificate from hardware token
> Hi all,
> I've googled to and fro and have only found another poster having
> roughly the same problem as I. The situation is this:
> I want to authenticate against a juniper SA 2500 firewall with a user
> and password AND a certificate. I have a safenet iKey 1032 token where
> I imported the p12 certificate. In firefox (tried 2.0.x, 3.0.x and
> 3.5.x) I imported the safenet K1PK112.DLL PKCS#11 module. In the
> firefox cryptography module manager I now see the token and can (after
> entering the pin) see the certificate. So firefox _can_ read the
> certificate off of the token.
> But when I go to the juniper firewall website I get the error message
> that the certificate can't be found.
> When I (for testing) take out the token and import the p12 certificate
> directly into the firefox certificate store I can authenticate against
> the juniper firewall website with user and pass and the certificate.
> So the problem seems to be that in the cyrpto module manager firefox
> can read a certificate off of a token and can't read it off when
> queried by a website.
> Where would you think is the problem? Is it within firefox or a
> problem with the third-party pkcs#11 module? (I'm also in contact with
> the safenet folks)
> Thanks a lot,
> regards
> Udo Puetz
> --
> dev-tech-crypto mailing list
> --
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