I’m in favor of updated the CMS to a more current C++, given the sustained 
interest in C++ and ActiveMQ.

Generally, forking isn’t great for anyone in the long term. Perhaps its best 
suited for a v4.x release and baseline against newer C++ libs?

-Matt Pavlovich

> On Apr 14, 2021, at 11:28 AM, Arjun Ray <ara...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Oct 2020 00:11:24 -0400, I wrote:
> | Compiling the ActiveMQ-CPP distribution generates hundreds of warnings
> | on using std::auto_ptr, which has been deprecated since C++11 nearly a
> | decade ago, and in fact has been removed altogether in C++17.
> | 
> | Is there a show-stopping issue with replacing std::auto_ptr with
> | std::unique_ptr?  I couldn't find any discussion of this. My resources
> | are limited to the Linux platform (specifically Ubuntu), where I find
> | that there are very few pain points in the replacement.
> I've since found that a 'discussion' of sorts took place several years
> ago.  Someone raised a JIRA ticket for precisely this issue, and
> posted a proposed patch, whereupon the ticket was summarily closed as
> "Won't fix", without any explanation.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMQCPP-628
> | With these changes, the library compiles and all tests pass.  I don't
> | have the resources to verify this with other compilers or on other
> | platforms, which is why I haven't yet investigated how to submit a
> | pull request.
> It seems that a PR would meet the same fate.  Forking may be the
> better option for those looking to improve the codebase.

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