Hi Craig and team,

Thanks for your feedback.
I am still a little confused, since I noticed vote[1] and vote result[2] thread 
have existed but looks like they are seeming?
If our team has some issue with committer voting process, [3] for your 
Anyway, I’m glad to see more new committers to join.

[3] https://shardingsphere.apache.org/community/en/contribute/vote/
Juan Pan(Trista), Apache member, Apache ShardingSphere PMC, Apache brpc 
(Incubator) & Apache AGE (Incubator) mentor
Twitter, @trista86934690

On 10/14/2021 00:21,Craig Russell<apache....@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Eya,

Inviting a new committer is one of the most important tasks for a PMC and by 
extension a PPMC. If you have not discussed how your project wants to invite 
new committers, now would be a good time.

Most projects use a discuss/vote/invite/request-account process but other 
projects choose a different process, which then should be documented so 
everyone knows it.

Once a PMC member or Mentor makes the request for infra to create an account, 
infra will verify that there is consensus in the PMC/PPMC to invite the new 
committer. Your mail below should satisfy that requirement.

Here is some background: 

There are more details on new committers here: 

And there is a step-by-step guide here: 

Warm regards,

On Oct 12, 2021, at 1:29 PM, Eya Badal <badal...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Secretary,

Could you please refer to the following vote result and let me know if we can 
move forward with making the id for Andrew Ko.


Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Eya Badal Abdisho

Craig L Russell

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