I don't like that the first thing on the "About" entry is a big visual
timeline with only a few entries. That's taking up the entire above the
fold to just list three dates.

Further down on the "About" page, I also don't like the switch between a
2x2 text grid and an image+text list. The latter is a lot easier to read at
a glance. I'd rather see each principle be a list entry, rather than
involving columns at all.

Meetups - shouldn't this be a map or something? A 4x2 grid of city names is
_really_ challenging to scan quickly. But I do like the idea of including
next event; just hope that we have a way to fetch that in a timely manner.

Documentation layout looks great. Should we have a version selector
somewhere? People run older versions of Airflow for a while.

"Blog": Should this be "News" or something since it will mostly be release

Great improvements overall, thanks for this work!

On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 5:48 AM Kamil Breguła <kamil.breg...@polidea.com>

> Hello!
> I, Aizhamal together with Polidea team is working on a new Apache
> Airflow website. We are closing the UX prototyping stage, so please
> take a look at the prototype but remember that:
> In the prototyping stage, we focus only on the structure of the
> website (so please don't judge visuals - colors, fonts, icons, images.
> We are going to work on them during the UI stage).
> The copy is not ready (BTW if any of you are interested in working on
> copy for the Apache Airflow website please let me know!). In the
> prototype, we have for now only placeholders for texts.
> You can click through the prototype but not all elements are interactive.
> Here is the link: https://invis.io/YSTUZ7S98ZN
> For further information please read AIP:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/AIP-11+Create+a+Landing+Page+for+Apache+Airflow
> If you have any comments regarding this prototype, please add them by
> replying to this email. Preferably till 21th September 11:00 am
> (UTC+01:00).
> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20190921T11
> Thanks!
> Kamil Breguła

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