Hello! I and Aizhamal together with Polidea team is working on a new Apache Airflow website. We are closing the UI prototyping stage. We prepared a clickable UI prototype of the new Apache Airflow website: https://invis.io/FKU7SWS6ZUW
It doesn't include the animations that we're going to add later on during the development stage so please read the comments below: * the background on the home page will consist of a CSS-animated elements floating (see the benchmark - https://slack.com/intl/en-pl/ ) * the 'Suggest changes on this page' button will be always pinned in the right bottom corner when you scroll * both left and right navigation on the documentation page will also be pinned when you scroll and read a given entry. The copy is not ready. Comments and suggestions can be made through the document below: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y4jBjtQ13zeLZ2e3V4foa51pN-168p1DHJ5zc7cbyGg/edit# For further information please read AIP: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/AIP-11+Create+a+Landing+Page+for+Apache+Airflow If you have any comments regarding this prototype, please add them by replying to this email. Preferably till 7th October 11:00 am (UTC+01:00). https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20191007T11 Best regards, Kamil