
I don't have access to slack so I can't see this " CSS-animated elements 
floating" but please do not add animated background elements on the page, at 
least for accessibility. Looking at the UI you present my eyes struggle to 
focus on the "install" button, or any actual UI, for all the background 
scattered boxes.

I'm not sure if it's worth mentioning again, but pages quickly become difficult 
to navigate when the view has less than 1000 horizontal pixels, the 
documentation page in particular is difficult, you have to keep moving the 
horizontal scroll bar as the text and UI don't reflow. Also when you resize the 
window horizontally to less than 1400px the page repositions the horizontal 
scroll bar after the action is taken, it's rather jarring.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kamil Breguła [mailto:kamil.breg...@polidea.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2019 11:50 AM
To: dev@airflow.apache.org
Cc: Chris Hendrixson; Magdalena Węgrzyńska; Marta Strzałkowska; Zuzanna Rykowska
Subject: [PLEASE PARTICIPATE][AIP-11] UI phase of Airflow website


I and Aizhamal together with Polidea team is working on a new Apache
Airflow website. We are closing the UI prototyping stage. We prepared
a clickable UI prototype of the new Apache Airflow website:

It doesn't include the animations that we're going to add later on
during the development stage so please read the comments below:
* the background on the home page will consist of a CSS-animated
elements floating (see the benchmark - https://slack.com/intl/en-pl/ )
* the 'Suggest changes on this page' button will be always pinned in
the right bottom corner when you scroll
* both left and right navigation on the documentation page will also
be pinned when you scroll and read a given entry.

The copy is not ready. Comments and suggestions can be made through
the document below:

For further information please read AIP:

If you have any comments regarding this prototype, please add them by
replying to this email. Preferably till 7th October 11:00 am

Best regards,

Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic communications 

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