On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 11:33 PM Andrey Kartashov <por...@porter.st> wrote:
> Previous email gives more info why I believe CWL should be part of > Airflow. Or should I elaborate more? > Well yes. I still miss answers to the basic questions (we keep on asking them with Maxime): 1) We still need to understand more why do you insist so strongly on the code being taken over (or written) by Airflow team rather than maintained by CWL team? 2) What's wrong with the current model where you provide converters to Airflow and maintain it as separate packages. 3) As we wrote before - we are happy to promote CWL as one of the "sources" of workflow imports through our website and make easy to install cwl-airflow via [cwl] extra. What do you want to achieve by having code in Airflow repo/donated to Apache community? J. -- Jarek Potiuk Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Principal Software Engineer M: +48 660 796 129 <+48660796129> [image: Polidea] <https://www.polidea.com/>