+1 for the idea. Should Airflow k8s operator be included in those

Also, I'm not sure if we have any more need to have autoscaling-only SIG?
Should we rename the existing one?


On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 4:43 PM Daniel Imberman <daniel.imber...@gmail.com>

> Hello Airflowers!
> Recently we've had some pretty great success with the SIG-Autoscaling and
> SIG-DAG-Serialization groups. In this same vein, I'd like to propose a
> SIG-Kubernetes group where we can discuss all efforts to improve the
> airflow Kubernetes story.
> We would meet once a month and discuss initiatives like the airflow helm
> chart, airflow custom controller, official docker image, and writing
> documentation for best practices on Kubernetes. This could also be a great
> forum for users to discuss their production experiences and use-cases.
> Would love any thoughts and feedback on this subject :).


Tomasz Urbaszek
Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Software Engineer

M: +48 505 628 493 <+48505628493>
E: tomasz.urbas...@polidea.com <tomasz.urbasz...@polidea.com>

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