An easier URL to view the spec

On Feb 28 2020, at 4:01 pm, Ash Berlin-Taylor <> wrote:
> To view the API spec 
> <>
>  in an easier to consume form I used and imported 
> from the (raw) github URL
> Some comments on the proposed OpenAPI spec;
> connection id's are not unique, so get/delete might operate on multiple 
> entries. (This has caused some confusion in the past, but is probably a 
> separate issue to adding a REST API)
> dag_id is listed as "integer" type. it should be string. Same applies to most 
> other id types it appears.
> PATCH dag: fileloc shouldn't be writable (it's a security risk), is_active 
> and is_subdag are an internal field and shouldn't be writable either.
> PATCH dag: - Did you think about/rule out having separate /dag/{dag_id}/pause 
> and unpause methods?
> I don't think taskReschedule should be exposed directly at all - it's an 
> internal detail for sensors in a specific state.
> PATCH variables - update_mask parameter: The way I've seen other APIs do this 
> is PATCH vs PUT requests. PATCH should only update the specified fields, PUT 
> is "here is the entire representation, make it look like this"
> PATCH variables - is_encrypted is exposed. It shouldn't be. It is not 
> user-setable (it has is not writable in the UI anymore)
> GET xComValues: This endpoint support reading resources across multiple Task 
> Instancce by specify a "-" as a !! - as a separator is not going to work. 
> That is a valid character in task ids.
> xComValues -- I feel the "values" is out of place/not needed.
> -ash
> (The thought of maintaining that swagger/openapi spec file is honestly a bit 
> daunting and making me lean more towards adding spec validation to FAB than 
> using connexion - specifically because it's a: huge and b: lives separately 
> to the code/endpoints)
> On Feb 28 2020, at 3:15 pm, Ash Berlin-Taylor <> wrote:
> > Great work Kamil, I can't wait till we have a fully featured API in Airflow!
> >
> > So AIP-13 has been voted on and "accepted". Do you have a proposal for what 
> > we should do with that AIP that we've already voted upon?
> > In the permissions section you talk about creating, for example 
> > "can_edit_variable" -- but on which view? Permissions in FAB are a on a 
> > specific view -- see 
> >
> > "There are not many FAB REST API experts" -- there aren't that many 
> > connexion experts either - has anyone involved with the project used 
> > connexion before?. It's a wildly inaccurate metric, but 
> > lists FAB in position 980 and 
> > connexion in 1146, so they are both about as popular as each other.
> >
> > On Feb 26 2020, at 4:40 pm, Kamil Breguła <> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I just created "AIP-32 - Airflow REST API" proposal and would love
> > > community feedback and comments.
> > >
> > > I would love to know what is your expectation from the API.
> > >
> > > We currently have one experimental API, but despite its existence for
> > > 2 years, it has not reached a stable level. There are many critical
> > > aspects to this implementation including no defined schema, very
> > > narrow range of functions, unsafe default configuration, no HATEOAS,
> > > and many others.
> > >
> > > In the past, Drewstone began work on REST API based on OpenAPI. It's
> > > described by AIP-13: OpenAPI 3 based API definition. However, it was
> > > not completed due to the lack of interest from the author and the
> > > Kerberos configuration problem (It was at a time when Breeze was still
> > > developing, so configuring all dependencies, including Kerberos, was a
> > > problem). It had a narrow range of features that are expected by users
> > > e.g. access to XCOM data and management for connection is missing,
> > >
> > > The Polidea and Google teams together with the community want to make
> > > another attempt based on our and community experience. Airflow
> > > deserves new stable solutions.
> > >
> > > Any comments and feedback/discussion in the AIP-32 document are welcome!
> > > Best regards,
> > > Kamil Breguła
> > >
> >

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