I agree with *Batch vs Ad-hoc *and *Frequency.*

For doc-only changes, I would prefer NOT to change the version. Primarily
because of the end user perspective, as was articulated earlier in the

Best regards,

On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 6:05 PM Jarek Potiuk <ja...@potiuk.com> wrote:

> Fully agree batch and ad-hoc approach as well as with the frequency.
> For docs-only changes I think -post release in PyPI is not a good idea. It
> does not follow semver (https://semver.org/). The only way you can extend
> the number in SEMVER is for pre-releases:
> > A pre-release version MAY be denoted by appending a hyphen and a series
> of dot separated identifiers immediately following the patch version.
> Identifiers MUST comprise only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphens
> [0-9A-Za-z-]. Identifiers MUST NOT be empty. Numeric identifiers MUST NOT
> include leading zeroes. Pre-release versions have a lower precedence than
> the associated normal version. A pre-release version indicates that the
> version is unstable and might not satisfy the intended compatibility
> requirements as denoted by its associated normal version. Examples:
> 1.0.0-alpha, 1.0.0-alpha.1, 1.0.0-0.3.7, 1.0.0-x.7.z.92, 1.0.0-x-y-z.–.
> Not only violating the semver but this might break a number of tools.
> However, I think we can do a different thing in this case. I do not think
> we strictly need to release the packages when we see doc-only change. What
> we can do - we can simply tag it with *-doc1, *-doc2 tags in the repo and
> add some logic to "skip" such doc-only commits next time when we prepare
> packages.
> Then we can simply skip (automatically) building/releasing/voting doc-only
> packages at all, However we will continue with documentation and only
> release the documentation (using the existing version).
> Unlike packages, our documentation is mutable and we can override it.
> J.
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 7:52 PM Tomasz Urbaszek <turbas...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>> I'm ok with batch and ad-hoc approach as well as with the frequency.
>> In case of docs-only changes I second what Ash proposed - let's not alter
>> the version. 100% of functionality is the same so users are not affected
>> and there's no need to update.
>> As per testing I agree that E2E testing of all providers should not be
>> necessary to cast +1 vote. The point about ad-hoc releases allows us to
>> release a fix to a provider if users find something that is broken
>> beyond acceptance.
>> Tomek
>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2021 at 11:15, Ash Berlin-Taylor <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> For doc-only changes there is one extra thing to decide:
>>> Should we do it as a patch version (1.0.2 etc) or as a "post" release?
>>> Python packages have this concept:
>>> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/#post-releases
>>> > Some projects use post-releases to address minor errors in a final
>>> release that do not affect the distributed software (for example,
>>> correcting an error in the release notes).
>>> So we could update our tooling to support this, or we could just bump
>>> the patch version and release re-release it.
>>> I have an ever so slight preference for doc only changes to be done this
>>> way, as I think is clearer to users that they don't have to update.
>>> What does everyone else think?
>>> -ash
>>> On Mon, 8 Mar, 2021 at 22:38, Kaxil Naik <kaxiln...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I would like to open the release process of providers up for discussion.
>>> Testing and Voting needs more discussion, the other points are mostly
>>> straight-forward and had an agreement on the last dev call.
>>> (Backport Providers won't be released after the end of this month - link
>>> <http://apache-airflow-docs.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/docs/apache-airflow/latest/upgrading-to-2.html#support-for-airflow-1-10-x-releases>
>>>  so
>>> let's ignore them in conversation)
>>> *Batch vs Ad-hoc*:
>>>    - Release Manager would default to releasing Providers in Batch
>>>    - ad-hoc releases are OK (i.e. if there is a critical bug that needs
>>>    fixing in a single provider)
>>> *Frequency:*
>>>    - For Batch release, we will release *every month *(starting of the
>>>    month - 1 to 7 most likely)
>>>    - Just a note that it generally takes around a week for the vote to
>>>    pass even though we have 72 hours minimum period
>>> *Doc-only changes*
>>>    - When we have doc-only changes for Providers (during
>>>    batch-release), we should still release a new version. The majority on 
>>> the
>>>    Dev call had agreed that releasing docs asap is good instead of waiting 
>>> for
>>>    the next release with a code-change.
>>> *Testing*
>>>    - License and Signature Checks are mandatory (following the ASF
>>>    rules)
>>>    - For Providers, not all changes require strict testing -- you make
>>>    a judgement based on the changes for a particular provider
>>>    - Wherever possible community can help test those but not
>>>    strictly necessary. *This is where more discussion is needed. *
>>> *Voting*
>>>    - Automate and create separate voting threads to avoid confusions vs
>>>    a single vote where we exclude the providers if someone finds a bug, 
>>> let's
>>>    keep the discussion for this on
>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r9dcc03840f478669e9bd0dc61f4088b725097da2b48ea274b7f0593e%40%3Cdev.airflow.apache.org%3E
>>> Regards,
>>> Kaxil
> --
> +48 660 796 129

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