non-binding +1

On Sat, Dec 3, 2022 at 3:55 AM Jarek Potiuk <> wrote:

> I think cloudera is important player in our ecosystem and as long as
> it passes all the bars (i.e. 2.3.0+ compatibility and good
> non-conflicting dependencies, passing all the tests, I am +1.
> On Sat, Dec 3, 2022 at 12:51 PM Philippe Lanoe
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Correction: since it is a vote on code modification, all committers'
> votes count, I was mistaken in my previous email (which mentioned only PMC
> votes are binding), quite new in this process.
> > Please let me know if a discussion thread is preferred.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Regards,
> > Philippe
> >
> > On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 5:34 PM Philippe Lanoe <>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello Airflow community!
> >>
> >> As requested in our PR, I would like to start a vote for adding a new
> provider (Cloudera). Please note that this vote is about the fact to add
> this new provider not about the code itself, which will be reviewed as part
> of the PR.
> >>
> >> We would like to contribute the Cloudera provider to allow data
> practitioners out-of-the-box interactions with a multi-function analytics
> and hybrid platform,
> >>
> >> Our first two Operators are CdeRunJobOperator, to run a CDE job (Spark
> or Airflow within the Cloudera Data Engineering service) and
> CdwExecuteQueryOperator, to execute a query on a managed CDW cluster (Hive
> / Impala within the Cloudera Data Warehousing service). It also comes with
> a Sensor for CDW, in order to wait on a Hive partition.
> >> We are also planning to contribute more in the future, as we develop
> operators for other Cloudera services in Cloudera Data Platform (CDP), like
> Cloudera Machine Learning and others, to cover the various needs of data
> practitioners across the entire data lifecycle.
> >>
> >> Our code has been already used for quite some time internally and we
> would like to contribute it to Airflow, to give a better experience for the
> users as it would be another system that users can reach seamlessly in
> their pipelines.
> >>
> >> Another important Note: Cloudera already filed a CCLA as mentioned in
> this thread, so I think we are OK on the Legal side.
> >>
> >> You can find the PR here:
> >>
> >>
> >> The voting will last for 6 days (until 6th of December 2022, 6pm UTC),
> and until at least 3 binding votes have been cast. I am sure about the
> timeframe which is needed for providers actually, please let me know if it
> is adequate.
> >>
> >> Please vote accordingly:
> >>
> >> [ ] + 1 approve
> >> [ ] + 0 no opinion
> >> [ ] - 1 disapprove with the reason
> >>
> >> Only votes from PMC members and committers are binding, but other
> members of the community are encouraged to check the AIP and vote with
> "(non-binding)".
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Philippe
> >>
> >>

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