This is great, thanks for working with them to share this with the community. 
Interested to join as well.


On 2024-06-07, 11:56 PM, "Jarek Potiuk" < 
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Hello here,

At PyCon US I met a few people from Nielsen who had developed internally
tooling for IDE/Python debugger integrated debugging of Airflow DAGs.

They are thrilled with the opportunity of sharing what they've done and
possibly maybe even bringing it to Airflow. As one of the Airflow 3
workstreams I am particularly interested in is to "*Simplify the learning
curve*" [1] - this sounds pretty interesting in this context.

I will have a call with them next week - immediately after the Airflow 3
dev call (Thu, 13th of June, 6pm CEST), where they will demo what they have
- so if you would like to join it - let me know, I will invite you to the



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