On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Costin Manolache <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do we have any plan or idea on when we'll start distributing 1.6
> milestone builds ?

Ant has never released any milestone builds so far, so no, there is no
plan yet AFAIK.  If there was, you'd know it for sure 8-)

Before we release a milestone we should make sure that whatever we
release at least passes our tests (including the currently disabled
ImportTest) and doesn't have any known regressions (see my mail of

And then I'd really love to have a rundown of the new features (I was
swamped when you committed the parts coming from the embed proposal
and lost track of it, a simple short list would suffice for starters)
and look at them one by one to get consensus on whether we want them -
if we can't agree on a given feature, it shouldn't be included in a
milestone at all IMHO.


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