On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 06:29 pm, Antoine Levy-Lambert wrote:
> What about releasing an ant 1.5.4 before 1.6 with the current head revision
> in it, plus as many bugs from bugzilla as possible ?

A rose by any other name. If we release the HEAD revision, we'll call it 1.6

> This would help a number of people and be encouraging for all the ant users
> who have reported bugs or suggested patches in bugzilla.
> Plus this would bring the <import/> task to a confrontation with users ? I
> know from reading ant-users and ant-dev that this a feature that many
> people need.
> Meanwhile, it should be possible to make a discussion on the antlib feature
> or new taskdef, and on the boot loader process for ant on Win 9x.

I have some ideas on the boot loader as I've done somethign similar before.

Conor MacNeill
Blog: http://codefeed.com/blog/

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