On Tuesday 29 April 2003 12:49, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, peter reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >    4. public void add(NestedElement anInner)
> >    5. public void addConfigured(NestedElement anInner)
> Make NestedElement a FileSet and explain how you'd support accepting
> ClassFileset or ZipFileSet as either srcfiles or destfiles in
> dependset.
> Your approach, simple and concise as it is doesn't address the
> situation where the same interface maps to more than one "kind" of
> nested element.

For the dependset problem something allow the lines that you
suggested may be possible:

   <srcfileset typedef="zipfileset" ../>
    <targetfile .../>

Where "typedef" is a ant magic attribute for element type.
This will need a little bit of fiddling with UnknownElement -
there would need to be an addition to getTag() - getTypeDef()
which would be the same as getTag() in the normal case.


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