On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, peter reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is debatable

I said I wasn't sure 8-)

> I think we should allow both approaches.

The main difference between them is that in approach 1 the child
determines the name of the element while it is the parent who does so
in the second approach.  This makes the second approach consistent
with existing functionality.

"allow both" doesn't sound like a good idea to me, sounds like a foul
compromise because we couldn't get to a decision ;-)

> Rather than (to take a perverse example)
> <condition>
>     <os type="outofdate">
>         <targetfiles...
> </condition>

Ouch.  I'd rather envision

  <condition type="outofdate" ...

with a new public addCondition(Condition) method.  The duplication of
Condition is pure incidence, the one in the method name determines the
element name, the argument the acceptable types.

> This could be stopped by having two new introspection rules:

One new rule should be enough, and will be enough no matter which
route we are going to take.

> But this does mean changing public methods

No way. 8-)


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