> From: Mariano Benitez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> So, I am thinking of the following workaround for the 
> complete scope of 
> the problem:
> I create a task <antlib> that performs would look like this:
> <antlib property="fuego.antlib.defined">
>     <classpath>
>         <fileset dir="${fuego.basedir}/lib">
>             <include name="fuegoexpress-antlib.jar"/>
>             <include name="fuegoenterprise-antlib.jar"/>
>             <include name="fuegoj2ee-antlib.jar"/>
>             <include name="fuego-test-antlib.jar"/>
>         </fileset>
>     </classpath>
>     <typedef package="fuego.tools.ant.enterprise"/>
>     <typedef package="fuego.tools.ant.express"/>
>     <typedef resource="fuego/tools/ant/j2ee/antlib.xml"/>
>     <typedef resource="fuego/internal/test/ant/myFile.xml"/>
> </antlib>

Would the following solve this problem generically? 

<project name="X" xmlns:mylib="antlib:my.library.package">

   This task is automatically available for every ANTLIB
   and its only function is to force the loading of the library
   if necessary. Force the lazy loading.


The above assumes somehow we manage to define the classpath required
as part of the ANTLIB itself. If not, the task could have the classpath

This looks much better than calling some task from the antlib with

What do people think?

Jose Alberto

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