Matt Benson wrote:
--- Nicola Ken Barozzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Matt Benson wrote:

I think we've had requests for automatic <import>
invocations as well, while we're talking about
automatic stuff...

I don't understand, could you please explain a bit more in detail? TIA

The most obvious use for automatic <import>s would be to auto-[type|task]def things for use in the default namespace. This use is arguable as to need; I'm sure this would address other situations but just now I don't remember what those are. ;)


The most important thing IMHO is that antlibs (which are the modern-day type-task-defs) can be automatically downloaded and used just by referencing them. This is a subsequent step after <libraries>.

Having them in the default namespace is IMHO not ok, as it can create unnecessary collisions.

Another thing I would like to see is the ability to
add directories to Ant's classpath (without using
CLASSPATH) so that antlibs could live as standalone
XML files in the case where an antlib, for example,
consists only of macrodefs and presetdefs and refers
to no extra-Ant classes.

Well, you just need support for non-jarred antlibs.

It seems to me that automatic <import> opens more problems than it solves, especially when these can be solved better on their own...

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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