> From: Matt Benson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> --- Jose Alberto Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > All this discussion about roles brings me back to
> > the
> > proposal/implementation
> > of Roles that I made a long time ago and that was
> > rejected.
> If it works and solves this problem, it's okay with
> me.  My only concern was the complexity of the code
> needed to make such a thing work.  I suppose if we
> introduced this it would be simplest to
> comma/space-delimit classnames in a task|typedef
> properties file; e.g.:
> and=org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.AndSelector,
> \
>     org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.selectors.And

The main reason for allowing multiple things with the same name
is that they can be defined that way by different providers.
You could have that if you load several 3rd party antlibs on the
same namespace (which I think you can do by loading explicitly).

One could think on adding all your antlibs explicitly to the ant:core
and remove the usage of NS completely, but that would be a user choice.
(this could be a way to deal in a BC way with optional stuff, I.e., 
put it in an antlib that loads into ant:core NS and hence uses default

When you have more than one lib on the same NS you have the posibility
of name clashes
and hence the issues about role resolution. So it is not about one
property file
is about multiple sources of definintions.

Jose Alberto

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