Martijn Kruithof wrote:
Isn't this a bit premature, junit 4 isn't even "out" yet.

shipped last week. Gump is still recovering.

Furthermore I thought junit 4 would get rid of the distinction between failure and error, wouldn't we want to remain in-line with this new junit behaviour when running junit 4 testcases in an junit 4 environment?

Just because junit4 wants that behaviour does not mean we need to follow.

On this topic, Jon Skeet is setting up the logistics for a conference call between the junit people and the ant team, primarily on the future of <junit>

Being a conference call, it would probably overload if everyone joined in, but at the same time, I dont want to keep it a secret from interested parties. We'll be discussing where we are with junit, what's wrong with it and where do we go for junit4 --which may mean the junit team will take over ownership of a junit4 task.

There was some discussion of junit4 implications in the ant-user mail list, but since then Jesse has just fixed two main failings of <junit> -classpath setup and (I believe) direct support for junit4.

We need to look at where we stand with this, whether it is enough, and what else should be done. Here is my opinion

What does Ant's junit task does well:

-integrates testing with the build
-runs well in a new JVM
-segues into reporting with junitreport (a bit fiddly; could be integrated)
-provides some minimal output as you go along, one that lets you infer state from the logs
-distinguish (possibly needlessly) errors and failures

What it does badly
-installation. <junit> is the first time most people encounter ant lib setup grief.
 -forked JVM classpath setup. you need junit.jar, xerces on the CP.

What it doesnt do
 -drop abstract classes from the fileset (would be very nice)
-only try and run classes that extend TestCase or are annotated as test methods (would be nice, no?)

what third party stuff adds
 -choreograph deploy+liveness+test+undeploy (cactus does that)
-distribute. What if I want to test on a different machine? (I think JBoss' JRunner does this, and my distributed JUnit component for smartfrog is aimed at this problem)

I dont think the Ant task should try and do the third party things, but it must enable things like cactus. Furthermore, the stuff in "does badly" and "doesnt do" should be addressed, while retaining the things that work today.

There are some other wish-list items I'd like for junit, that I haven't covered. a medium priority spare time activity for me at work is distributed junit: deploying tests on hosts 1-10, collecting results on host 11, trying to present them in a way that makes sense. The GridUnit project does some of this; they share my code for serializable test results. I'd really like junit's results to be serializable out the box, and junit4 results to be compatible, but I can work around this, after all, exceptions don't serialize and I have to strip-mine meaningful data from them.

So: open discussion. What would people want from a <junit4> task?

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