Kevin Jackson wrote:

Standard Ant contains a number of VSS tasks and I'm writing a couple
more for my own use (tasks relating to file / project properties, such
as shared versions). My questions are: should I submit these tasks for
possible inclusion in the standard Ant distribution? And if so, do you
have any advice on  the best way to do that? I've read the "Task Design
Guidelines", by the way.

Anybody have a problem with splitting VSS off into an antlib so that
people with VSS can easily add tasks etc?  I recall that there are
also a couple of bugs listed (enhancements and patches) for VSS, but
without anyone willing to test them, they aren't going to be worked
on.  I see an antlib being useful here, but would like to know what
other people think.

I've knocked together an antlib for vss against 1.7 trunk.

I still need to write the testcases (JUnit + xml files), but is there any interest in this approach so that the VSS users can add commands / support VSS outside of the dev cycle for Ant proper?

We do have quite a few outstanding issues for VSS and very few (if any) of the committer team have access on a regular basis to a VSS install

Having spent the past hour or so getting VSS to acknowledge Ant interacting with it (or indeed even the MS supplied command line tools), I'm in favour of pushing all of this code off into an ant lib which the users can manage by themselves!

FYI, I'd be willing to put in the initial effort to deliver an antlib if the rest of you thought it was worthwhile - indeed it's mostly there already, and I'd be willing to incorporate additional code into this antlib - *for the next two weeks while I have access to VSS*

I feel like I need a wash...


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