"Xavier Hanin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> - we are not in sync with what the apache documentation says on how to
> manage web sites [1]. We should put generated site in svn to comply

Not a hard rule, but still preferred (so the site can be put back into
its old state incase of an accident).  It is also better from an
oversight point of view, any site change results in a commit mail.

> - by uploading the generated web site, we do not support the executable flag
> which is a problem for download.cgi

Like Jan said, use an explicity <sshexec/> - or don't use Ant tasks at
all but use rsync instead.

> - uploading the whole site takes a long time sometimes for small changes
> only,

rsync would solve that.

Still ...

> Hence I'm in favor of storing the result of site generation in svn and
> checkout this result on people.a.o for the web site.



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