Cor Nouws wrote:

> Hi *,
> In order to force/advice the saving of certain documents on a specified
> location, I prepared some macro's, looking at the documents state, name
> and such, and opening the save-dialog.
> Then I assigned the macro's to Save(-As) with Tools|Customisation|Events
> in order that a click on the 'floppy' or File|Save triggers my macro.
> However, it appears (2.0.3, on XP, 2.0.2 on Madrake) that my code is
> triggered áfter the regular Save(-As) actions :-\

Yes and no. Your code will be triggered right after the dialog is closed
but before the real saving starts. These events are means to perform
actions on the document before they get saved, not as a hook to replace
the built-in UI code.

> What am I supposed to do to actually replace those?

This is what DispatchInterceptors are for. Unfortunately you can't
implement them in Basic. Replacing dispatch actions triggered by the UI
with macros is currently not supported. Sounds like a good idea though.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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