Paolo Mantovani wrote:

>> Your example does not support the StatusListeners so it will not send
>> any status events to the GUI. This will work in many cases but not in
>> all. In case of the "Save" command this command will never be disabled
>> then. This is not a serious problem but it will look unusual at least.
> Of course you are right!
> With a small work I've been able to manage the status-listener (at least for 
> the .uno:Save dispatch) directly from my basic program.
>> In this case it could help to redirect StatusListeners to the
>> SlaveDispatcher.
> This would seem a bit more difficult, but I've to experiment more...

Yes, sorry I forgot that in Basic some things are more complicated. :-)
It should be possible to pass the "add/removeStatusListener" calls to
the SlaveDispatcher but I admit I haven't tested it in Basic.

>> The interceptor also must be registered somehow, so binding the macro
>> that registers it to the event "OnViewCreated" on a global level is
>> recommened.
> I can't find this event among the ones available in the user interface.
> Perhaps is it only available via the API ? 

Yes, it's only available through the API. We could add it to the GUI but
then the configuration would display wrongly in older versions (it would
work though as the event is there for some time). Should we add it to
the GUI? It is at least important for all events that target frames not

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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