G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

> Actually I think he reacted so strongly to my comment on the component
> perhaps being incorrect. The doc project does not have the source for
> the document but the issue shows up in our queue. I thought that we
> might help.

Help is always appreciated. :-)

As I already wrote, I will take care for the correct assignment of the
issues. At the end it will be one of the developers who has to provide
the documentation content so I will search for the right one.

>> OTOH if anybody else wants to create a new DevGuide nobody will complain
>> against this (provided that its quality would be sufficient). We have no
>> commercial interest in the DevGuide.
> You know this might not be a bad idea. I will ask to see if any are
> interested. What with the contest, I do not expect a swift response but
> who knows.

My personal opinion (and the one of Jürgen as well IIRC) is that we want
to hand over the DevGuide to the community. Jürgen might correct me
later if I'm wrong, currently he's on a business trip.

This will still not change a lot as most of the content will still come
from the "core" developers but at least there will be a chance for
others to contribute and of course to translate. Let's hope for the best.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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