Hi Stephan,

> I did not follow this thread too closely.  You should not worry about
> what toString() on a UNO proxy gives you, as those are implementation
> details, anyway.  What is important is that those proxy objects offer
> the expected functionality.  What exactly is your problem with the Java
> references you obtain (via queryInterface etc.)?

please test the code below. Just take any xComponent in any of your

XModel xModel = (XModel)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class,

XController xController = xModel.getCurrentController();

XComponent myComp = (XComponent)
this.xComponent = myComp;

The System.out.println() output of the code above is:

And now I quote you again:

> What is important is that those proxy objects offer
> the expected functionality.

The object that is returned when I query for an XComponent does NOT
offer the functionality of an XComponent. Please test the example above.

It does not matter whether the origin object I use for querying is an
XFrame, XModel, XController or even an XDialog. In any case the assumed
XComponent does not provide the functionality of an real XComponent.

The System.out.println() output is just a hint that shows that something
went wrong.

Please verify this above.

Greetings, Tobias

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