Hi Stephan

>>>> -----%<-----
>>>> System.out.println(this.xComponent);
>>>> XModel xModel = (XModel)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class,
>>>>     this.xComponent);
>>>> System.out.println(xModel);
>>>> XController xController = xModel.getCurrentController();
>>>> System.out.println(xController);
>>>> XComponent myComp = (XComponent)
>>>>     UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class,
>>>>              xController);
>>>> System.out.println(myComp);
>> XStorable xStorable = (XStorable)
>>           UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, myComp);
>> // This will be null
>> System.out.println(xStorable);
>> xStorable = (XStorable)
>>     UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, this.xComponent);
>> // This is the correct XStorable
>> System.out.println(xStorable);
>>>> -----%<-----

> Obviously not.  You have two different UNO objects here,
> "this.xComponent" and "xModel.getCurrentController".  The UNO object
> "this.xComponent" obviously supports XModel and XStorable (as querying
> that UNO object for those interfaces returns a non-null reference), and
> the UNO object "xModel.getCurrentController" obviously supports
> XController and XComponent, but not XStorable (as querying that UNO
> object for that interface returns a null reference).

True. But why does myComp not support the XStorable, although it is the
same document with the same URL?

> I know much about UNO technology in general, but little about the
> specifics of the OOo API, so I have no idea whether this.xComponent and
> ((XModel)this.xComponent).getCurrentController() should reference the
> same UNO object.  I saw Mathias Bauer (who does know all the specifics
> of the OOo API) already answer on this thread, maybe you should re-read
> his post.

I read his answer carefully and it helped me to solve my problem with
the code. But I don't understand why there is a difference between the
this.xComponent and myComp. Maybe Mathias can answer me.

Greetings, Tobias

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