Hi Laurent,

Laurent Godard wrote:

with our codesnippets.services.openoffice.org we have useful resource to find some useful snippets. But the contribution is from my point of view not easy enough. Although Tom Schindl did a tremendous job to set up the environment and infra structure and Paolo Mantovani who provides the excellent Snippet Creator i would like to suggest that we move the examples, snippets etc. into the wiki.

tend to agree
how would you organize this by sections ?
don't understand what do you mean, can try to explain it again
will people put the snippets in the good section ?
the same as above

I would like to thank you Tom and Paolo again for their good work. Time and technology is changing and i believe that we will have greater success with the wiki approach. And of course the Snippet Creator is an excellent example to show what's possible with StarBasic.

in the wiki do we have syntax highlighting ?
yes, but it maybe needs to be improved

Thanks again to Paolo and Tom for their job

maybe, a lightened version af teh snippet creator taht would create the Wiki-form of the snippet would be usefull ? Not mandatory for people wanting to contribute, but still usefull for newcommers ?
I am not sure, why not. But i wouldn't invest any time in it.


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