Hi Alexandro,

Alle 09:36, giovedì 11 ottobre 2007, Alexandro Colorado ha scritto:
> Hi Paolo,
> In Barcelona I asked you about the possibility of using SimpleSystemMail
> uno service to be able to send email from OpenOffice.org. The only
> reference I got to how it works is through the snippet on Andrew
> Pitonyak's Macro Book.

You can find another example in my SnippetCreator wizard (module DlgSnippet - 
Sub SnippetToEmail )

> Sub SendSimpleMail()
>    Dim vMailSystem, vMail, vMessage
>    vMailSystem=createUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleSystemMail")
>    vMail=vMailSystem.querySimpleMailClient()

Regarding the problem that you mentioned in your follow-up I've just seen that 
Mathias has alreadly answered.
I can only add that in the SnippetCreator wizard I've used the following 

'try to obtain a mail service
oMailService = createUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleSystemMail")

If IsNull(oMailService) Then
        oMailService = createUnoService("com.sun.star.system.SimpleCommandMail")
End If

If IsNull(oMailService) Then
        GoTo ErrH
End If

> However I want to know if I would need a transport on my system so the API
> is able to send the email.  This is a similar dilema that I face with
> python's libsmtpd module which is capable of working as an smtpd server
> but there is really not much reference about how to run it.

I don't catch this point (but I must say that I'm not very acquainted with 
network things):

Even if you run an smtpd server from Python, the API relies on an external 
mail client program for sending emails, therefore, the external mail client 
should be previously configured for using your local smtp server.
So I don't see any advantages.

Paolo M

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