On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 18:31:03 -0500, Paolo Mantovani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Alle 13:36, sabato 13 ottobre 2007, Mathias Bauer ha scritto:
Paolo Mantovani schrieb:
> Regarding the problem that you mentioned in your follow-up I've just seen
> that Mathias has alreadly answered.
> I can only add that in the SnippetCreator wizard I've used the following
> strategy:

That's what I suggested, put into Basic source code. :-)

True, actually I didn't add any useful information, I should have read your
post more carefully :-)

Paolo M

I guess that the function doesn't really do what I was expecting. I have a different question now. I want to send an email from OpenOffice.org. Now I am looking into another service in UNO which might do something similar which is sending emails from UNO.


SmtpService is another service I am now looking into to be able to send an email from OOo. Anyone have an input on this service?

In python I have something similar by using the module smtplib which looks quite similar:


The smtpservice also includes a sendmail() method labeled: sendMailMessage() and MailServer(). Just need to clear this services and their function.


a somewhat different question, is it possible to call a python script from Basic?
I am looking into the command:

Alexandro Colorado
CoLeader of OpenOffice.org ES

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