Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

Hi Johnny and Ariel,
Thanks to both of you. Your advice was extremely helpful and I've been able
to carry on a fair bit until hitting the next obstacle. The contextual help
available in the Macro editor really speeds things up and the methods that
Johnny suggests are also the ones I use.
Anyway, my next question:
Am I correct in thinking that this Basic doesn't distinguish between name
assignment and equality testing? It seems that if I right something like:
Pet = "dog" it is ambiguous. It could mean, assign the value "dog" to the
variable Pet or it could mean a statement that the variable Pet has the
value "dog". In the latter case if could be found in an if statement like
If Pet = "dog" then
        i = i+1
end If
So i gets increased in value if the statement Pet = "dog" is true. Notice
that "=" is used in 2 different ways above. Now I want to create a While
loop of the form
While Position = Instr(i, ProcessString, " ")
It appears this doesn't work. I wanted to evaluate the function InStr and
assign its value to the variable Position. I can't do that in Basic, I
guess. It looks like I have to repeat the Instr expression in the While
statement and inside the loop like this:
While Instr(i, ProcessString, " ")
        Position = Instr(i, ProcessString, " ")
        etc. etc. etc.
Is this the way I have to do it? It certainly looks ugly.

Thanks for putting up with my slowness. I do have a lot of code that works
the way I want thanks to your help (both of you).

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