On Sat, 10 Mar 2001, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:

> On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Greg Stein wrote:
> > I don't think it has anything to do with mechanics, nor will throwing more
> > process at the problem fix it. (more process will simply bog down what we
> > can accomplish)
> ...?  if nothing else:
> cd apr
> cvs tag -b apr_dev [needs recursive option]
> cd ..
> mkdir apr_dev; cd !$
> cvs co -r apr_dev apr
> cd ..
> mkdir httpd_combined; cd !$
> cvs co httpd
> rm -fr apr
> mv ../apr_dev apr
> this assumes that the apr library is in httpd/apr, which it probably
> isn't, it's probably in httpd/src.
> the same process applies to if you want to use the version of apr that's
> already in httpd, except you do:
> rm -fr httpd/apr
> cvs co -r apr_dev httpd/apr
> > No... the problem is about perception. The rate of change recently has just
> > been quite high. It just isn't very conceivable to make a release in that
> > environment.
> ...
> ah, that's different.
> _however_ :) once you _get_ to the point where cvs main is
> always-releasable, then using this multi-tag process could help make cvs
> main _remain_ always-releasable.
> for, as you described - some significant modifications to mod_include
> could be done in a dev_mod_include_rewrite tag, and only when completed
> are they cvs merged into cvs main.
> surely that's not too much process to cause more pain than the benefits
> are worth, neh?

There is a lot of resistance to using tags and branches the way you
suggest Luke.  I believe it has already received a -1 on this list at some
point, but I would have to look.  There are a lot of people who would
agree with you that branching is a good thing, we just need to figure out
how to address the concerns that other people have.


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
406 29th St.
San Francisco, CA 94131

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