On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 10:18:12AM -0700, dean gaudet wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> > Yup.  I've brought this up to Sander and David before, but this is how
> > pools
> woah.  no way really?
> that's not at all how it was in 1.3 or in early 2.0 ...
> in 2.0 as of uh a year ago say, there was one free list per process,
> and locks were used to access it.
> no matter where in the tree of pools you tried an allocation, if it
> didn't fit into the current block, the allocator would lock and go to
> the global free block list and pick up the first fit block.  none of this
> going up through a chain of pools or anything, that's insane.

No, nothing changed.  We just added the chain of pools.  =)  It's a
work in progress.  You may call it a "feature" right now.  We're not 
saying it is ready to be activated - just hammered/examined by people
on this list.  That definitely needs to be cleaned up.  We know that.

If we switch that global free block list to per-thread (where we are
heading), is this allocation algorithm the best one for httpd-style 
memory usage?  If so, then I guess I won't look at other allocation
algorithms.  I'll defer to people who've studied this a lot longer 
than I have.  -- justin

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