On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 01:08:56PM -0700, Ryan Bloom wrote:
> Well, for one thing, you can't make a proposal with just the names that
> you like.  A meritocracy means that you must accept that other people
> may not agree with your ideas.  Since there were other options offered
> (whether you like them or not), they must be in the vote, or the vote is
> completely invalid.  Even if you want to veto those options, they must
> be in the vote, or you aren't giving people an opportunity to change
> your mind.

I don't want to get in to technicalities nor the definition of a
meritocracy, but I would like to point out that by offering my
proposal I'm in no way acting as though the other proposals don't
exist. I'm just offering one solution, either you like it, don't care,
or dislike it.


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