At 02:54 PM 2/14/2006, Ian Holsman wrote:
Mads Toftum wrote:
On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 09:57:50AM -0800, Garrett Rooney wrote:
On the other hand though, I think it's totally pointless to go build
another memcached implementation as part of APR-Util just for testing purposes. That time would be far better spent writing some tests that
require a locally running memcached instance.
Indeed - requiring everyone to test everything is pointless. I wonder if it would make sense for a future version of the tests in apr/apr-util to include a summary of what was tested making it easier
to post results?

maybe we need a central Test-result respository (ala CPAN) so we can view the test results from multiple architectures/developers in one place.

the idea is that every time you run a test it will ask you if you want to upload those results.

Something like the ones for the Boost libraries?

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