On 3/14/2011 12:32 PM, Bert Huijben wrote:
> Any application that uses apr_filepath_merge() to get an absolute path from a 
> relative path is broken.... but only if the current directory before starting 
> the application is based on a lower case drive letter.
> This is not a common condition, but this patch just fixes that specific error 
> condition.
> It doesn't alter the comparison of paths.... It fixes an API bug.

Yea, I think that apr_filepath_merge() and apr_filepath_get() are at the
root of this real issue, and that the result, not the comparison, was
what was broken.  I have no real interest in ensuring that the path
name manipulation in your test remains valid, but we agree there is an
underlying, real issue here.  I've seen 16 bit apps do similar things
to corrupt the current path, and am looking at both cases together.

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