Am 21.03.2011 14:58, schrieb Jeff Trawick:
* ensure it is viable to use the MinGW toolchain to build APR on
1.4.x-trunk for the purpose of (at least) me testing simple fixes and
running the test suite and using gcc as another perspective on the
Windows code
* provide at least some help in the area of reviewing/testing to those
willing to do the heavy lifting to make this a properly supported

As part of that I anticipate backporting some fixes for MinGW to
1.4.x/1.5.x to support this, but with no implication that any code
line fully/properly supports MinGW.  More people will have to continue
to help (and perhaps with it in somewhat better shape it will be more

how do you call configure? Separately in apr / apr-util, or in apr with some params?

when I do it separately in apr-util I still get:

Looking for apr source in /home/Administrator/apr-1.4.x/apr
Creating include/private/apu_config.h ...
Creating configure ...
Generating 'make' outputs ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/Administrator/apr-1.4.x/apr/build/", line 230, in <module>
File "D:/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/Administrator/apr-1.4.x/apr/build/", line 135, in main
    objects, _unused = write_objects(f, legal_deps, h_deps, files)
File "D:/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/Administrator/apr-1.4.x/apr/build/", line 172, in write_objects
    assert file[-2:] == '.c'

this is the same prob which I posted some days back already ...
the assertion happens because the loop gets 2 times an empty value ...
I think I could fix that with copying the whole autostuff from apr-HEAD into apr-1.4.x (though not sure, its been soem days, and was then otherwise busy).


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