Le 06/02/2019 à 01:06, Philipp Moritz a écrit :
> Thanks for the meeting! One question concerning a point that is still
> not super clear to me:
> Say we define a new manylinux standard based on gcc >=5 (with stable
> c++11 support). There will still be a lot of wheels form the manylinux1
> days that are built against gcc 4.8 that might use the c++11 features
> before they became stable. How do we prevent bugs from that? Is the plan
> to convince everybody who uses these c++11 features to use the new
> manylinux standard?

Yes, that's a bit of a problem.

This discussion arised from the incompatibility between Tensorflow
wheels (compiled with a later toolchain) and other Python wheels
(compiled with a manylinux1-compatible toolchain).

Intuitively, by using the new C++ ABI we may prevent such issues when
installing manylinux1 wheels and manylinux20XX wheels side-by-side.  But
it's difficult to say for sure.



> On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 8:14 AM Jonathan Helmus <jhel...@anaconda.com
> <mailto:jhel...@anaconda.com>> wrote:
>     On 2/5/19 9:29 AM, 'Manuel Klimek' via TensorFlow Developers wrote:
>>     On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 4:28 PM Antoine Pitrou <anto...@python.org
>>     <mailto:anto...@python.org>> wrote:
>>         Le 05/02/2019 à 16:22, Manuel Klimek a écrit :
>>         > On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 2:01 PM Uwe L. Korn <xho...@gmail.com
>>         <mailto:xho...@gmail.com>
>>         > <mailto:xho...@gmail.com <mailto:xho...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>         >
>>         >     Also to reiterate a point raised earlier: C++11 with
>>         manylinux1
>>         >     works smoothly. With gcc 4.8.5, everything we need in Arrow
>>         >     supported. C++14 and more are out of scope and can only
>>         be used
>>         >     starting with manylinux{2010/2014}.
>>         >
>>         > From the requirements side (Martin will correct me if I'm
>>         getting these
>>         > wrong):
>>         > - it seems like from the TF point of view, our users are on
>>         pip, so we
>>         > need to deliver there
>>         > - LLVM is going to require C++14 ~in March as far as I can tell
>>         > - from trying to find info about manylinux2010 / 14, it
>>         seems like these
>>         > have stalled? (but I'm happy to be proven wrong here :)
>>         manylinux2010 hasn't stalled, it's been progressing slowly. 
>>         Apparently
>>         pip 19.0 is out which supports downloading and installing
>>         manylinux2010
>>         packages.  See status page here:
>>         https://github.com/pypa/manylinux/issues/179#issuecomment-457002180
>>     Cool! The problem is that it doesn't solve the C++14 issue, right?
>     Devtoolset-7 can be installed on RHEL6/CentOS 6 which is the
>     reference distribution of manylinux2010.  Devtoolset-7 includes GCC
>     7.3.1 which has full support for C++14.  On RHEL6/CentOS 6 the
>     devtoolset compilers target the older GCC C++ ABI
>     (-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0) and will not emit the newer ABI.  There
>     is a open pull request to the manylinux repository to create a
>     docker image containing this toolset which may be of interest:
>     https://github.com/pypa/manylinux/pull/252
>     Cheers,
>         - Jonathan Helmus
>>         manylinux2014 is an entirely different question.  It needs
>>         interested
>>         parties to gather and devise a spec and then get it accepted
>>         as a new PEP.
>>         Regards
>>         Antoine.
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